
Is Lipodissolve Treatment Beneficial To Weight Loss?

Is Lipodissolve Treatment Beneficial To Weight Loss?

Around the world, many people have resorted to non-invasive procedures to achieve the body they want. One highly successful alternative to standard liposuction is Lippodisove, which involves injections that liquefy fat cells in the targeted areas like the stomach, arms, chin, inner and outer thighs. The chemical injections can turn the fat into liquid form by breaking down the connective bonds between the fat cells to a smoother appearance.

How Does Lipodissolve Work?

The process of Lipodissolve involves fat removal using chemical injections. Its formula consists of vitamins, enzymes, and a natural, soy-derived substance called phosphatidylcholine, the main chemical component in soya oil. Phosphatidylcholine is a safe substance that doctors have used in higher doses to treat high cholesterol.

Once injected into the treatment area, its molecular bonds between the fat molecules will then be dissolved, which will cause the fat to liquefy. Moreover, the procedure only takes about 15 to 30 minutes and is bearable even without local anesthetic but only stinging sensation. Additionally, the body uses its natural waste-filtration organs such as the liver and the intestines to gradually expel the fat out of the body over the next few weeks to months. 

Improvements are observed about four weeks in their treated areas after the procedure. Series of successful treatment sessions are carefully calibrated to build on the exhibited positive results. Treatment sessions are consistently spaced between six to eight weeks apart.

What Are The Uses Of Lipodissolve?

Lipodissolve can be used on various body areas, including the arms, chin, belly, and legs. It functions as a fat removal and an effective technique for treating cellulite for the trickiest regions resistant to diet and exercise. While liposuction treatments generally result in significant post-treatment swelling, Lipodissolve provides healthy skin that is tighter around the injection site, creating a firmer, more toned appearance without the need for a lift or tuck surgery. 

Lipodissolve on the Arms

Some people may have certain parts of the body like upper and lower arms that are resistant to slim down, even the most stringent diet and exercise regimens. Some people who have unsuccessfully tried toning their arms can undergo the simple treatment to remove excess fat on the arms.

Lipodissolve on the Chin

Double chin also makes the overall appearance of heaviness even on an otherwise fit body. The excess weight in the chin area tends to resist all attempts at body toning. With the help of Lipodissolve, which is administered through injections, achieving a more proportionate and toned appearance is now possible.

Lipodissolve on the Belly

Getting rid of the body’s spare tire can be highly challenging for people who carry excess weight around their midsection, even with the strictest diet and exercise. That said, Lipodissolve becomes a popular option to eliminate fats around the belly area.

Lipodissolve on the Legs

As mentioned, Lipodissolve can treat even the trickiest of body regions, such as the inner and outer thighs that are highly susceptible to cellulite, a bumpy fat accumulation under the skin. The struggle is upon true when eliminating cellulite from this part of the body. The good news is that soy-based Lipodissolve injections can be administered directly into this area, effectively breaking down the fat cells to flush out the waste naturally.

Fat Removal

Since it’s the latest innovation in non-surgical cosmetic treatments, it helps remove fat from small body areas. It breaks down the bonds that maintain the solid form of body fat. Once the solid phase is converted to liquid form, the body can naturally remove the fat much more rapidly than the normal metabolism can accomplish. 

The body’s fat removal process will take several weeks to a few months to complete, depending on the patient. For more extensive treatment areas, liposuction procedures may be suggested to patients who want to achieve a dramatic improvement.

Lipodissolve for Cellulite

With its impressive track record for smoothing and removing cellulite, the dimpled “orange peel” skin often affects the buttocks and legs. The skin tightens over the area injected with the Lipodissolve solution, which can noticeably diminish the appearance of cellulite.

Who Can Receive The Lipodissolve Procedure?

The ideal candidates for Lipodissolve are nearing their weight but have persistent fat deposits and are resistant to diet and exercise. Keep in mind that this treatment is not recommended for those at unhealthy weights, pregnant or breastfeeding women, allergic to soy, or firm or fibrous fat deposits.

Limited downtime can be experienced, as reported by most patients since they can immediately recover within a day or two after the treatment. In fact, patients can resume their daily routines after the procedure, but remember to avoid strenuous exercise for a few days to prevent serious side effects. The side effects of redness, swelling, and bruising will resolve within 10 days.

What are the Side Effects of Lipodissolve?

There are no fatal side effects that have been reported with Lipodissolve. Most of the more severe side effects are caused by an interaction with medication or medical conditions such as diabetes, vascular complications, or autoimmune diseases. This is why it’s essential to tell the surgeon if taking medications or has certain health issues.

As stated above, post-treatment side effects typically include redness at the injection sites, swelling, and mild to moderate bruising. In addition, a 2012 study recommends avoiding a Lipodissolve treatment if:

  • pregnant or nursing,
  • has chronic conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes, thyroid disorders, or infections, 
  • currently on aspirin therapy,
  • allergic to soy (the PCDC mixture is soy-based).

How Long Does this Procedure Take?

LipoDissolve times may vary but usually take about an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. To see full results, LipoDissolve does require more than one treatment to around six.

LipoDissolve results are not permanent. The rate of weight gain is unchanged, and fat can return. The best cellulite reduction results are obtained when physical activity and dietary changes are continued after LipoDissolve.

The Bottom Line

Suppose you are looking for a non-surgical body contouring technique with minimal downtime and mild discomfort; Lipodissolve is just right for you. It’s quicker, safer, and less painful. Skintuition Medical Aesthetics offers LipoDissolve treatments for both men and women looking to eliminate fat deposits that they just can’t seem to get rid of!

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